Jan 30, 2023

Gaming mom #027: An actual parenting update (Part 2)

Miss S says she likes Animal Crossing... and Hades. Hmm, okay.

Last week she asked to watch Animal Crossing: New Horizons (ACNH) a few times. You'd think it was for the cute animal villagers or the house decorating. But what she wants is simply to swim and catch sea creatures. Next best is fishing on the beach.

We do decorate homes too. I involve her in making color choices, which has resulted in terrible color combos.

Miss S has also peeked at Hades and said, "Mummy, I like this!" 

"Isn't it scary?" I ask her. 

"No," she says cheerfully. I guess the details are often too small on the Switch Lite screen for her to properly make out what the monsters look like. She just sees tons of color and movement, I think. 

I don't fancy letting her watch too much of Hades. Not because it'll give her nightmares, but because the screen is way too busy and I don't think she'll get much out of it.

Anyway, yeah, I jumped back into Hades at last. That PC copy I had was never going to get played much, so I bought a Switch copy on Christmas sale.

I had stopped at the beginning of Asphodel, the second region, which felt simply impossible to get past. This time, I got through Asphodel and beat the area's boss on first try! Then I got through Elysium and had trouble with the bosses there for awhile. 

But what friends say is true: You really do get better with practice.

Eventually I even beat the final boss, on third try. Amazingly, I did it with the Spear, a weapon I had been struggling with.

That's just my first victory, though. You're supposed to complete the game 9 times, or was it 10, to get the "real" ending. Now why would I want to replay it that many times?

Well, the game is so good and it’s still fun to play because there's so much variation between runs. And rewards for every little thing you do. Okay, some dialogue is starting to get stale after 15 hours -- while it doesn't repeat, a lot of it is along the same lines -- but the gameplay maintains its level of fun.

By the way, here are the Boons (randomized abilities you can acquire each run) I won with:

Because I got sucked into Hades, I put Triangle Strategy on hold. Which is fine; I was getting a bit weary because I'd jumped into a second playthrough of Triangle immediately after finishing the first. So I left that hanging at the game's midpoint.

And now I've gotten distracted from talking about ACNH. 

I don't know how long Miss S will keep asking for Animal Crossing. But if we're diving and fishing, I'm going to hunt for creatures still missing from my critterpedia!