Dec 27, 2019

Pregnant and gaming: The third trimester

Squeezed in quite a bit of Switch gaming before the birth of Little Miss S:

Fire Emblem: Three Houses
Hogwarts-meets-Fire Emblem is double the length of a typical FE game. The beginning and end were fun, but the middle suffered from Two Towers syndrome--draggy, repetitive, dull. I liked Fire Emblem: Awakening much more.

SteamWorld Dig: A Fistful of Dirt
Robots in a Western. A platformer (the first I ever bought) with exploration and puzzle elements, rather than a focus on combat. I dig it. Longer review here.

SteamWorld Heist
Robots in a Western, but in space this time. Fantastic turn-based strategy game, with adjustable difficulty. Great writing. Gotta love Seabass, the crusty old sailor-bot. Longer review here.

SteamWorld Quest
Robots in a fantasy setting. Card battler-cum-JRPG lite with great art, music, and gameplay. Dialogue felt a little juvenile, though. Don't let the word "card" turn you off; for a deckbuilder, it's easy to learn. In my longer review, I compare it against Slay the Spire, another deckbuilder.

SteamWorld Dig 2
Only started this after Miss S's arrival, but am sticking this mini review here anyway. I loved this pretty platformer! A clearly improved follow-up to the first Dig game, and I'd recommend to anyone. That Hookshot and Jet Engine will take you where no steambot has gone before. Longer review here.

Conclusion: My pregnancy year was a year in turn-based strategy games--I played five in total!-- and immersion in wonderful world of, well, SteamWorld. I've played all of them now, except for the first and least known entry, SteamWorld Tower Defense. Say, how many times can you count the word "SteamWorld" in here?

Look forward to future gaming posts from my life-after-Miss S! Or maybe not. Mommies of newborns shouldn't make promises.

Previous post: The second trimester