Moonlighter (Switch)
Cute pixel town. Scratched that shopkeeping itch. But combat wasn't the funnest. Bought it for that fantastic cover art. Longer review here.
Into the Breach (Switch)
Possibly my favorite game in the last few years, second only to Witcher 3. Definitely my favorite turn-based strategy. Played it in 2018 and replayed it on Hard mode in 2019. I'd still go back to it, for the fun achievements (which is saying something, because I don't care about achievements in any other game). Longer review here.
Slay the Spire (Switch)
A proper roguelike, a stellar card game. If you like card games and deckbuilding, I can't recommend this more. Longer review here.
Final Fantasy VII (Switch)
I had a hankering for past memories. Nostalgia took me as far as the Great Glacier, where I got bored because all the fun character-development bits were over. Still a great game, though, and the Materia system is my favorite combat system among the FFs.
The Witness (PS4)
The Witness (PS4)
Promising puzzle game, but I had to shelf it temporarily. Turns out I still get motion sick easily (aggravated by morning sickness) and can't stand swinging the camera around.