After a purchase in February, I challenged myself not to buy new games for the rest of 2022.
As a little compromise, I could still get the Animal Crossing: New Horizons DLC but only in May. Even so, I'm already itching to buy a new game. What is it about us humans that we need a novelty fix so often?
I've turned off discount alerts from DekuDeals (my Nintendo eShop price tracker) and deleted other wishlists. But I'm still tempted to window shop. Interestingly, I'm only like this with video games, not with books or anything else.
It's ironic that I'm casting my eyes elsewhere despite enjoying my current game very much. Baldur's Gate 2 has me so hooked that I've made little progress in Animal Crossing. These two games were the bulk of my gaming plans this summer. I had also thought of revisiting old roguelikes, but BG2 is going strong. I'm even thinking of replaying BG2 as soon as this run is over, and using an "evil" party instead of a "good" party. If so, this will be a year of nostalgia gaming.
Going back to the vow I made: We'll see how it goes. I could tell you all the games I can't wait to buy next year, but best not to dwell on it right now!