Bedtime milk for adults.
I like to watch Miss S living her best life. She does it horizontal: head on pillow, bottle of hot milk in one hand, stuffed animal in another. Eyes fixed on Cocomelon.
Big people still do it. Feet propped up, beer in hand, something on TV.
And not just men, as you might imagine. Friend of mine who works at the local children's center said, "At this week's toddler group, we asked the moms, 'What are you into these days?' A few said, 'Having a beer after baby's in bed.'"
I just reviewed a good crime-solving game, in which the protagonist relies on a "soporific" to fall asleep at night. Something I enjoyed about the game was seeing not only how cases unfold but also how the protagonist handles his substance dependency. (I'll post a review link after the game launches.)
We all have our soporifics. If not, then a drug of some sort; at least a pick-me-up.
Mine has been games, though I've found them more counterproductive than helpful for bedtime. Now I'm trying to avoid bright screens and addictive loops just before bed. I thought reading on a basic Kindle (which has no backlight) would be an excellent substitute. But novels are just as addictive as games. In fact, reading has kept me up later than gaming!
I've struggled for years to change my sleep habits. It's been one failure after another. Maybe I've put too much hope in self-control and willpower rather than plan more strategically. If the program doesn't work, I should change the program and not just try harder, right?
This spring, I'm finally seeing a little progress. It's been easier to work on the waking than the sleeping, though. Bedtimes are always tricky.