Jun 6, 2020

Gaming mom #001: Just write

I've been putting off a review of Transistor for ages now. It's not that I haven't tried to write it. My phone notes have two, three unsuccessful drafts.

I just can't seem to get the right words, the right flow. It's the accumulated sleep debt, the brain that's diverted half its resources to the childcare department.

Or maybe it's plain writer's block. I do struggle with a review from time to time, usually getting stuck at the intro. The solution for that, of course, is to save the intro for later.

Another solution is to brain-dump into my notes everything I might possibly say about the game without worrying about how it sounds. Then the flow works itself out naturally, once I get a bird's eye view of the landscape and see how it can be organised (or terraformed! in current parlance of Animal Crossing, which, by the way, I'm in the thick of playing).

Alternatively, I can put off reviewing Transistor and write another post (this one!), just to keep the juices flowing. And if I still can't shape my hazy, reluctant thoughts into a decent piece, I could opt for a simpler version of the review--like I did with the pregnancy miniseries--instead of a full-blown essay. Either way, the higher priority should be to keep writing, even if it's not perfectly satisfactory.

That's why this blog came into being. To stay in touch with some form of writing for myself, as opposed to writing for work. Or not writing at all.

To achieve this goal--to keep writing--in the midst of parenting an infant, I've been toying with the idea of a "Gaming Mom" series of casual blog posts. I might not have much to say about the "mom" part, though. We'll see. I don't have to decide right now; I'll just write!