Dec 11, 2017

Introducing... JLPT N2!

A week ago, I took the N2 level of JLPT (Japanese Language Proficiency Test).

I'd like to write several posts on the subject, by and by:

Meanwhile, how was the test itself?

I started by answering the Reading section (読解), which was questions 55 to 75. Unfortunately, I spent too long on it -- slightly over 60 minutes -- either from overconfidence in my ability to handle the remaining questions, or from a languid brain (I had anxiety the night before and only slept 4 hours).

By the time I reached Kanji/Vocab/Grammar (文字・語彙・文法), I had to rush through questions 1 to 50. The last five questions in Grammar were attached to a page-long passage, which I did not manage to read except for the opening. Since I only had a minute or two left, I shaded in random answers for those last five questions before reading them.

Finally, we had Listening (聴解). By good luck, I managed to pay full attention to the audio. But I was only sure of the right answer about 30% of the time. The hardest questions for me were in Mondai 3, which asked to summarize what the audio (a radio program, a lecture, etc.) was about.

Overall, I still have hopes of passing!

[Update, Feb 2018: I did pass.]